The objective of ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL (EDC) is to promote entrepreneurship among the Students to nurture a passion for self-employment. This will open gates for creation of new knowledge-based innovative hi-tech ventures, Startups and more avenues of employment opportunities thus turning job seekers into job creators. EDC helps in orienting students towards setting up of enterprises which will provide them creativity, freedom and ability to generate wealth.

EDC encourages establishing different clubs constituted by the students of similar interest thereby favoring student to student guidance and brain storming. We believe such healthy discussions and interactions favors innovation and project development. We feel immense pleasure in receiving the nominations from our students in varying areas of interest.

EDC organizes various events including workshops, entrepreneurial talks, entrepreneurial awareness camps, Intra and Inter collegiate competitions etc to mentor the innovative ideas and to enrich the entrepreneurial abilities of the students.

EDC of our college is associated with National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) which inspires, educates, and supports entrepreneurs to create high-value companies and jobs. NEN creates city-based entrepreneurial ecosystems consisting of institutes that teach entrepreneurship and network of mentors, investors, and incubators that support startups. NEN’s Student Entrepreneurship Programs is to inspire, educate and skill young entrepreneurs

  • Cloud based LearnWise platform
  • Wadhwani E-Cells on campus
  • Campus Companies
  • Networking on wfnen.org
Teacher Coordinator: 
Mr.Chetan  , Assistant Professor in Commerce