
MLA AHL  has a strict, zero-tolerance policy towards ragging. The University educates students on what constitutes ragging, the destructive impact of it, as well as the repercussions and punishments of such activity. Students are educated through skits, flash mobs, posters, and banners. 

Ragging, in any form, is a reprehensible act which does no good to anyone. Any disorderly conduct, spoken or written or teasing, treating or handling with rudeness, indulging in a rowdy or undisciplined activities will result in severe punishment. Every act of ragging, major or minor, is beyond the limits of decency, morality and humanity. No ragger shall go unpunished.

  • Contact information of relevant anti-ragging authorities — including the Anti-Ragging Cell of MLAAHL is prominently displayed and promoted.


  • Ragging will invite suspension/expulsion from College;
  • Any Academic privileges, scholarships, and other benefits will be withheld;
  • In case the person cannot be identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment
  • Anti-Ragging Mobile Application and the Toll-Free Anti Ragging Helpline Number cane be used in any case.

In case of any incident at the College, you can get in touch with the members of the Anti-Ragging Squad

Anti Ragging Helpline, UGC, New Delhi : 1800−180−5522

Sl No. Designation Name of the Faculty
01 Chairman Dr. Padmaja P V, Principal
02 Teacher Coordinator Mr Rakesh N, Asst Prof in Commerce & Management  
03 Office Incharge Ms.Seema, Office Assistant