Dr.Padmaja.P.V has been an academician for almost 35 years. With a doctoral degree after her M.Com and PGDBA, she has worked in various capacities in the field of academics.
Having worked for 20 years as Head of Department at MLA First Grade College for Women (MLAFGCW), Malleswaram, Bengaluru, she has moved on to the post of Principal of MLA Academy of Higher Learning and has contributed to the birth and nurture of College for 16 years in this capacity.Her quality of being effective leader and a team player has made her take various responsibilities during her academic tenure. She has served as Chief Custodian (Valuation), Member of Board of Studies and Board of Examination for Post graduate and under graduate courses at Bengaluru University several times. She served as Member of District Task Force for Total Quality Management in Higher Education. She has served as member in Academic Council of Bangalore University from 2016 to 2019 and member of Academic Council & Syndicate of Bengaluru City University from 2019 to 2021. She is a member of BBA Syllabus Committee under NEP in Karnataka. She is also a assessor for National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for assessing quality of Higher Education Intuitions.
An ardent seeker of knowledge coupled with sensitivity towards students and compassionate nature has made her a passionate teacher. Her mentoring skills has significantly contributed in transforming people around her. She has more than 20 years of research experience, has guided students for M.Phil and doctoral Programmes. She has presented and published papers in National and International Conferences, and Conventions. Psycho Spiritual Papers like – “You hold the rope that binds you”, “Living life by
choice” and “Passionate living and Spiritual Pursuit can Co-exist” received best paper awards in National Conventions.
With a Pen Name “Dharini” she has published two social novels. Her other interests include classical dance, music and social service. She is associated with Snehalaya – a home for destitute children, maintained by MILT Charitable Trust.
Received Achievers Award for contribution to education from Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FKCCI) on the occasion of International Women’s Day – 2018